Plan ahead with Social Media Content Calendar Template
Growth in Marketing Qualified Leads in 6 Months. AdNIKA provided paceUP! with a new CRM system developed by HubSpot that helps the company achieve its ambitious goals and scale up as they grow.
Proven Tips for Sales and Marketing Alignment (SV)
Increase in Conversion Rate With Marketing Automation in 1 Year. Meniga uses HubSpot’s workflows for marketing and sales automation to nurture each client type in a customizable and personalized manner.
The ultimate guide to optimise Landing Pages for Lead Generation (SV)
Revenue With Account Based Marketing in 3 Months. AdNIKA and Permizon decided to execute the first campaign for a specific segment using HubSpot ABM Software achieving +300% of MQL per month.
How to Implement & Succeed With Hubspot Marketing Automation (SV)
Growth in Marketing Qualified Leads in 6 Months. AdNIKA provided paceUP! with a new CRM system developed by HubSpot that helps the company achieve its ambitious goals and scale up as they grow.
How To Start Lead Scoring To Fuel Your Nurturing (SV)
Leads aren’t all made equal… I’m sure you’ve heard it before (from your sales team). However, this is correct. Leads might enter your sales process at any point during the process. Some leads may appear to be “hotter” or “qualified” than others. To get to the finish of your sales process, these people only need a […]