The foundation of any successful marketing campaign lies in its preparation. The same goes for a lead generation campaign, especially in HubSpot which offers a wealth of tools and opportunities. But where do you start? This guide breaks down a roadmap using five essential elements to help you create a focused and effective lead generation strategy.

Aerial shot of a marketing brainstorming session with HubSpot displayed on the screen and detailed notes on lead generation steps.


In the cosmos of your lead generation campaign, your SMART goal is the pole star. It ensures that your journey remains focused. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound – this framework gives clarity to your goals. For example, a goal like “Increase the number of market-qualified leads by 20% in 3 months” can serve as an anchor. It is specific, time-limited and provides a clear measurement.


Understanding your target audience is crucial. For example, an interior design company may be unsure whether to target new homeowners or restaurant owners. Creating buyer personas brings out the nuances of their challenges and helps narrow down a specific audience.


What can you offer that gently nudges your audience closer to a purchase? Whether it’s the written appeal of e-books and guides, the visual appeal of videos and infographics, the auditory appeal of podcasts or the interactive engagement of quizzes – choose an offer that resonates with your target audience. Prioritizing offers for leads at the decision stage often drives faster results.


Where you promote your offer matters. Harness the power of owned channels like your website and social media, dive into earned channels like guest posts, or consider magnifying your reach with paid channels like Google Ads. The key? Don’t spread yourself too thin – choose a few high-impact channels to start with.


To navigate successfully, you need a compass. KPIs serve that purpose. Metrics such as visitor-to-lead conversion rates or content engagement parameters such as video views or blog engagement are essential to determine the effectiveness of your campaign.

With these building blocks in place, mapping your conversion path becomes the next logical step. Let’s illustrate this with an example of a fictional company, Green Studio. They have introduced an enticing e-book called “Kitchen Renovations 101”. A visitor finds out about this offer through various channels such as Instagram or an email newsletter. An enticing call-to-action (CTA) takes them to the landing page describing the e-book. When they leave their email address, they are redirected to another page that thanks them and provides the download link. Meanwhile, a follow-up email ensures that they can access the e-book at any time.

Flowchart depicting the conversion journey from visitor to lead, showcasing icons for discovery, CTA, landing page, and follow-up email steps.

Basically, creating your lead generation campaign strategy involves a mix of rigorous planning and creative approach. By integrating these essential elements and visualizing your lead journey, you’ll be well equipped to create a comprehensive campaign on HubSpot. Are you ready to embark on this strategic journey? Now let’s look at how HubSpot can help you get started right away.